BULLY ; a confidence breaker

  • The continuous fear that someone might trouble you , physically 
  • Call you names like ; fat , ugly , stupid  , liar 
  • Terror of getting oppressed 
  • Acquiesce in others decision 
  • Being the constant victim of everything and anything 
  • Miss going out or even miss out on making friends because you feel worthless .
These thoughts do not come at you just like that , BULLYING creates it , making them fear to the core , cry day and night , have no proper life like the others , they may not indulge meals properly and stay lonely as no one wants to be in their shoes or even near them .

I myself have been a victim and even after recovery , it still affects me and my every decision .

Telling my story over here was not easy , recalling everything is hard and that's why it took me a few days to write this next blog , I did want to discuss my story and here it is ;

" Being chubby and a diffident girl , I was always called names . Since my early age I had suffered continuous nicknames and title like Fat , Boring , idiot and many more which meaning my 7 year old self didn't know and till now I don't want to either .
At that early age , being bullied led me to a dark phase in my life , and it is hard not to cry when you recall it , still feels like a fresh wound everytime .

I was under depression for most of my childhood and teenage , an age where children play with no care in the world , I was rather , very conscious of my actions , the fear of making one wrong move and being the centre of jokes was something I always wished to avoid , I used to drown my stomach with tons of cups of green tea just to look slimmer and rather than focusing on studies , I was more concerned on getting in shape and not being a victim yet again .
I had no friends and worse , I used to blame myself for not having them , because depression led me to have all the negative thoughts clung to my brain like bees to the hive . 

There was once a phase where I had , in some unconscious way , accepted that I was actually what they all called me , boring , fat e.t.c.

No doubt I did survive that whole cruel phase and the worst depression , but till now it affects my every move , regulates my every step , making me hesitant and uncomfortable in my own skin , the torture you face due to bullying sticks with you till your graves , and it hurts very much ."                                                                                ANUM ABBAS , 21

Bullying others maybe fun at times , but you never know how the other is affected by it as no one is hard as a rock , and things do HURT .

The one who bullies does not and can not understand that what he/she is doing can be lethal . There are many cases in which people commit suicide even , as they are so mentally tortured that they cannot survive and are surrounded by nothing but darkness .

Amanda Todd committed suicide
 as a result of bullying 

BULLYING needs to be stopped and the first step is awareness towards its effects on other kids , there have to be seperate sessions held for it's awareness and also for those who are already a victim , they should be approached and treated in time .

Sharing a pain gives relief to one's heart , I have shared mine if you wish you can also write yours in the comments below ...


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